English Language and it's Importance

The faculty of human speech is known as language. As we know that more than 200 countries exist in the world, each countries has their own national & many sub-languages. From them English is one. English is an international language which is spoken all over the world.

English language is the language of communication between two mother tongue speakers. It is widely spoken all over the world. The countries like: The United States of America, United Kingdom, Canada, New Zealand, Australia & many other countries use English language as the national language.

There are many reason for learning the English language. Some are its simplicity, enough (rich) vocabulary, & assimilating power. Moreover all the standard books are written in English. Legal books, medicinal books and technical books are also written in English. It helps us to have foreign trade with any countries of the world as well as to share knowledge about our country to foreigners.

English is used while learning higher science, technology, medicine, economics and commerce. We can’t study these advanced stages (subjects) in our mother tongue. To vie (compete) with others for various job internationally, English language is used. If we know English, we can live in any corner of the world.

These reasons clarify that a person without knowing English is like a car without wheels in the modern world. So, in order to compete internationally we have to learn English language. English language will help you to make our life creative & innovative.

Image source: pdresources

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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