Smoking Effects

The word smoking means inhalation of the smoke. We can see many people smoking at their home, office or even in the Public places. They use different form of smoking like cigarette, hukka, and others. The people who smoke cigarette has black lips and shrunken skin. The may be suffering from different diseases like lung cancer, asthma, etc. These are the problems caused by smoking.

Cigarette smoking causes more than 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This is nearly one in five deaths. The survey revealed that 35.5% of men and 15% of women smoked tobacco products and 31.2% of men and 4.6% of women used smokeless tobacco. The prevalence of smoking among adult females in Nepal is one of the highest in the WHO South-East Asia Region.

Risks from Smoking

Smoking can damage nearly every part of your body

  • Cancers
  • Chronic Diseases
  • Stroke
  • Coronary heart disease
  • Pneumonia
  • Overall diminished health

Image source: Wikipedia

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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