
Technology is the use of scientific knowledge to produce new machinery and devices that can be used to provide different services or can be employed further to create more devices. The application of information to design and produce machines and other goods to make life more convenient for the human beings is known as technology. Here are some essays of varying lengths on Technology to help you with the topic in your class tests and exams.

Scientists conduct research and experiment with different things to come up with newer ideas. Technologists use these ideas to develop newer devices. People these days have grown extremely accustomed to the use of these technological inventions that they simply cannot do without them. They await the launch of newer and more advanced devices. Mobile phones and cars are the best examples of this. People wait for the new models and replace them without giving it a second thought.

The smart phones offer so much, from amazing gaming experience to instant connectivity with people, that it is hard to take your eyes off it. Your car, air conditioner, microwave and other technologically advanced devices also seem as good because of the convenience they offer. However, it is wise not to go overboard with their use. Maintain a balance between science and nature to lead a peaceful life and keep your surroundings healthy.

Almost everything we use in our day-to-day life is a gift of technology and we cannot imagine our lives without most of these things. However, as much good as the technology has done to the mankind, we cannot deny the fact that it has also caused as much harm to our surroundings.

Image source: Storyblocks

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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