Pros and Cons of Facebook

As we know that at the present era, the use of social media is increasing day by day. Facebook is one of them which is at top rank. Most of the people are using it for being in contact with their friends, family members and relatives. Facebook has made the world a global village.

There are both advantages and disadvantages of using Facebook. From Facebook, students can get knowledge about present incident happening in the world. People can talk with their friends, family members and relatives face to face like table talk. It has made the world as global home. People can share their new ideas to others.

However, there are some disadvantages too. We have heard in news that most of the illegal activities are done using Facebook. People hack the account of others and black-mail to them for money and others valuable things. Usually, student cannot focus on their study as they spend their time and money on using Facebook unnecessarily.

In order to make Facebook more effective, government should make strict law against illegal activities and all users must know the importance of using Facebook.


Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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