Who are we?

We are future of our world.

We always have to think broad.

We are students, we are gold.

We are intelligent, we are bold.

Never say mine, always say ours.

We have to utilize our every second and hours.

Try a lot, don't give up.

We have to serve like a cup.

Be active and alert, don't be lazy.

Instead of being lazy, it's better to be crazy.

Introduce your life as the best life.

Cut your badness like a knife.

We have to be immortal in our time.

But without involving in crime.

With our education, we have to build tower.

We have to save our world with our power.

✍Sunil Neupane

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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