The Woodcutter and the River God


Once there was a poor woodcutter. He sold firewood in the market and bought food, clothes for him. One day his axe fell into the river while he was cutting firewood. He wept sitting on the bank of the river because he would not be able to buy another axe. The river god heard his sorrow and came out of the water. Firstly, the river god showed a golden axe and secondly, silver axe. But the woodcutter said that those were not his axes. Finally, the god showed him his own axe. He said that that was his own axe. The river god was pleased with him and gave all three axes. The woodcutter went home and told the story to his neighbors. After listening the story, another greedy woodcutter went to the same place and did the similar activities like the first woodcutter. After listening the second Woodcutter’s sorrow, the river god came out of water and showed him a golden axe. Then, the woodcutter became happy and replied that it was his own axe. The god knew his tricks and was angry with him. The god dived into the water and didn’t return. In this way, he lost his own axe.

Moral: “Honesty is rewarded but dishonesty is punished.”

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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