Lactometer: It is used to measure purity of milk. (दुधको शुद्धता नाप्ने यन्त्र)
Barometer: It is used to measure atmospheric pressure. (वायुमण्डलीय चाप नाप्ने यन्त्र)
Photometer: It is used to measure the strength of electromagnetic radiation in the range from ultraviolet to infrared and including the visible spectrum. (प्रकाशको तिब्रता नाप्ने यन्त्र)
Caret meter: It is used to measure purity of gold.(सुनको शुद्धता नाप्ने यन्त्र)
Oximeter: It is used to measure the oxygen saturation level of blood. (शरिरमा ओक्सिजनको मात्रा नाप्ने यन्त्र)
Fathometer: It is used to measure ocean depth. (समुन्द्रको गहिराई नाप्ने यन्त्र)
Altimeter: It is used to measure altitude above sea level. (उचाई नाप्ने यन्त्र)
Polygraph: It is used to record physiological phenomena such as blood pressure, pulse rate, respiration rate. It is lie detector device. (झुठो बोलेको पत्ता लगाउने यन्त्र)
Crescograph: It is used to measure growth in plants. (वनस्पतिको वृद्धि नाप्ने यन्त्र)