Access Graduation Day

14thAugust 2019

Good morning, everyone!

Respected Chairperson,

Honorable Chief guests,

Dear parents, teachers, and my lovely friends!


Today on the occasion of graduation ceremony, I am very glad to share my Access experience. Before starting my speech, I would like to thanks to our teachers who have given me this golden chance to speak in front of you all. Without any delay, I am going to start my speech.

Once again cool good morning to all of you from me, Sujit, Sujit Prasad Kushwaha. Please accept it. You all know that our Access was started on 4th October 2017 and is going to end today formally. As Access means 'opportunity to enter a place', in the same way I entered here with a lot of eager and desire that I am going to do best in these two years, and I did.

If I have to tell what I learnt in these two years, then, I am speechless. It is not so because I did not learn anything. It is so because I have learnt many things which is impossible to tell in this short period of time.

However, I would like to say what I can. Access has provided me great exposure to learn for leadership development. Today, I have good leadership skill which helps me while monitoring in the class. I think it is leadership skill which helped me to be the president of my school's Red Cross Circle. Nowadays, I am good in using technology which is because of Access. Before joining this program, I had never used email and Facebook which is called to be the best source of communication but today I am. I have my own blog and email. You can easily find me on Skype and Facebook.

While learning in Access, it was really appealing for me to participate in various enhancement activities like making water rocket, volcano model and so on. The teaching ways used in Access was convenient for everyone to understand.

On the way of sharing my Access experience, I couldn't forget about Access Camp where I had unlimited fun and enjoyment along with learning. It was first experience for most of us to stay far from our parents for five days in such a luxurious hotel. The memory of staying in camp still sparkle in our mind. If I have to tell about myself, I had visited Gupteshwor Cave and International Mountain Museum, Pokhara for the first time during Access Camp in spite of living in Pokhara.

While celebrating various festivals and occasions how can I forget about Thanksgiving Day where I got opportunity to taste pumpkin cake which was too good as Mathew Nelson. In addition to this, we celebrated Dashain, Holi, Eid, and Christmas. Not only this, but we also celebrated Women's Day, Mom's Day and Teacher's Day doing many kinds of programs.

It is said that the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. With the same motto, we did four different community services during this program. They were cleaning Phewa lake foot-track, visiting Rainbow children's home, old aged home and four different religious places.

Interacting with the Kailali Access friends, meeting with Annie, Mathew Nelson, The Republica's editor Mr. Subash Ghimire are some of our great experiences. Not only this, gaining digital knowledge and skill, being culturally diplomat and using Frisbery Pi brought by our Prakash sir are some other great experiences.

Finally, I am obliged to NELTA as well as US Embassy for providing me this golden opportunity. So, I heartly thank to them. I am very grateful to my respected teachers for always motivating me to do the best in Access as well as in school. I am thankful to my school through which I got this opportunity. I would like to thank my parents who encouraged and supported me to participate in this program and I would like to thank my friends too who were the source of motivation for me.

Today, I promise I will do hard work until my signature becomes an autograph. Finally, I would like to apologize on behalf of all my Access friends if we had done any mistakes during this Access journey.

Wish you all the best for your coming days!

Thank you!

Thank you so much!!



Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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