Ideas Learnt from Access Teachers and Friends

Ideas Learnt from Access Teachers (1)

I learned to use MS-Word, MS-Excel, Adobe Photoshop, MS-PowerPoint, and Kahoot from my Access teachers. I also learnt to use projector and digital camera from Access. This is the place where I learnt grammar along with writing job application. I gained technology skill from the Access teachers.

I gained information about Linux Operating System and used Frisberry-Pi for the first time in my life. I got inspiration and motivation from the Access teachers that nothing is impossible. We can get success in our life if we have strong desire, faith, and confidence and do labor according to the field. They taught me to use wide variety of words while speaking which will attract the listeners to me. They helped me by providing reference books to me.

Now, I am good in typing and using technology because of my Access teachers. I learnt about the culture of America from them. They taught me the way of greetings, celebrating occasions, and working in group. I learnt to use Internet for studying. In addition to this, I learnt to use polite words while speaking.


Extra Ideas that I have learnt from Access (2)

After joining Access, I started to deal with technology. I am using rainmeter app for desktop customizing and making it attractive. While using rainmeter it requires coding language for making customization. It can make you look smart when someone look at your computer background. It is said that first impression is the last impression. So, it is one of the best ways to make people think that he has good computer skills.

Another idea that I gained from Access is making Curriculum Vitae (CV). A CV (short for the Latin phrase curriculum vitae means course of life) is a detailed document highlighting the professional and academic history. I can prepare my CV todays, which is because of Access. As CV talks about the character of a person, it is must to know the way of preparing CV.

In addition to this, I learnt to get updated with technology. Nowadays, I am using various social Medias, learning sites and so on. This is helping to be civilized. I can talk with my villagers using Facebook, and Skype. I am using email to send and receive messages from my pals and teachers.


Ideas learnt from Access Teachers (3)

Before joining to Access my grammar as well as English was not so good but now, I can speak English with fluency, and I have improved my grammar too. This is because of Access Teachers.

They taught grammar in a simple way, so it was not difficult to me for understand. They enlightened me by providing life skills ideas and being my mentor.

Todays, I can use PowerPoint, Excel, Word, 3D Paint, etc. which is because of Access Teachers. They taught these all to us in our Access lab. They also taught me to use Camera, Projector and Speaker.

They are the source of motivation to me. When I think that this is hard to do, they encourage me to do saying that those who try can lose or win but those who don’t try can never win. It is because of their motivation that encouraged me to join my school’s Red Cross and now I am the president there.

I gained leadership skills, decision making skills from them which I am utilizing to create peaceful environment in my class. I am using problem solving skills while monitoring in the class.


Ideas Learnt from Access Friends

Friend is needed to everyone in human life. This is friend who makes people successful and worse in human life. I have many friends in my Access. They have taught many things to me. Some of them can be listed as:

I understood the true meaning of friendship.

I learnt to play futsal.

I learnt speaking skills from them.

I gained experience of life.

In addition to this I learnt helping nature, grammar, celebrating special occasion like birthday, teacher’s day, etc. They have played vital role to stand me at this position. They’re also the sources of motivation and inspiration to me. As I am from Terai belt, I didn’t know how to play football as it is not so popular there. I learned to play football from them. So, their role is vital in my life.


(Written during the Access program)

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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