Nepal - ( "नेपाल" कविता )

In a land of mountains and green valleys,

There is a social situation that grows and rallies.

Dowry, trafficking, corruption, they rise,

Dragging the country down, before our eyes.


The economy struggles, as basic needs are denied,

To the citizens of Nepal, who are left to abide.

They cannot find work, no matter how they try,

Graduation means nothing, as they're left to sigh.


Brain-drain increases, as the best and brightest flee,

Leaving behind a country, that can no longer be free.

The cycle continues, as the problems multiply,

Leaving the people of Nepal, to wonder why.


But hope remains, as long as we stand together,

To fight these social issues, and make them better.

We are Nepal, strong and true,

We will overcome, and see our nation through.


Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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