Pokhara Access Reflection

My journey to Pokhara Access and its effects

Among various training that I have received in my life, Access is one of the best and longest. This two year of program is going to leave a great influence in my life.

This is the place from where I started to do many things for the first time such as using most popular means of communication like E-mail and Facebook. In addition to this, I have created my own website. Interacting with people in English without any fear is obviously one. Not only this, but it is also a place where I met republica’s editor Mr. Subhash Ghimire.

I attained youth leadership camp, where I completed various sessions. The session given by Matthew Nelson was best among others because his session was based on technology.

I can speak in front of people without hesitation. The teaching style of Access is different than others. I with my pals have got opportunity to learn life skills, helping nature and technology.

I am obliged of NELTA as well as US Embassy for providing me this golden opportunity. I am very grateful to my Access teachers Mr. Prakash Chandra Giri, Mrs. Manju Thapa, Mr. Upendra Poudel and Mrs. Sarmila Poudel. They have always motivated me to do best in Access as well as in School. Among them, Prakash Sir has provided me extra opportunity. Because of him, I used Fris-berry Pi for the first time and received knowledge on Linux software in detail as he uses it. At last, I am thankful to my school through which I reached here.

Thank You All!

(Written during Access program)

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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