The Most Effective Lessons Leant from Access Teachers

I came to know about many significant things from Access. Among the life skill training is one of the highly required and my best. It includes the following topics:

·        Blog

·        Internet Safety

·        Email

·        Cover Letters

·        Resume Writing

·        Job Success

·        Setting Goals

·        Interviewing Skills

·        Listening Skills

·        Keyboard Shortcuts and many more

This training was given by our Prakash sir. It teaches us about the way to be success in life and to fight with the arising problems by using problem solving skills. We can hear many issues related to cyber. So, it is essential to have safety while using them. The above-mentioned point “Internet Safety” tell us the way of being safe from cyber hacking. It enlightens us by providing the safety measures while using Email, Facebook or other social Medias.

Blog is also useful to us. We can share our ideas, views about some topics to the people of the world. Living in 21st century and not knowing blogging is shameful. I have created my own websites from the inspiration of Mr. Prakash sir’s ideas. My websites links are:

Another is cover and resume writing. After seeing the presentation, I am able to write my own Curriculum Vitae (CV). In addition to this, I can give interview before others with confidence. I am using shortcuts keyboard while using computer which saves time. Now I can do best in all subjects. This is because of the slide brought by our sir. I am very thankful to him.

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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