Alkaline Earth Metals

  • General characteristics of alkali metals
  • Sodium [extraction from Down's process, properties (action with Oxygen, water, acids nonmetals and ammonia) and uses]
  • Properties (precipitation reaction and action with carbon monooxide) and uses of sodium hydroxide
  • Properties (action with CO2, SO2, water, precipitation reactions) and uses of sodium carbonate
  • Alkaline Earth Metals
  • General characteristics of alkaline earth metals
  • Molecular formula and uses of (quick lime, bleaching powder, magnesia, plaster of paris and Epsom salt)
  • Solubility of hydroxides, carbonates and sulphates of alkaline earth metals (general trend with explanation)
  • Stability of carbonate and nitrate of alkaline earth metals (general trend with explanation)

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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