Chemical Bonding and Shape of Molecules

  • Valence shell, valence electron and octet theory
  • Ionic bond and its properties
  • Covalent bond and coordinate covalent bond
  • Properties of covalent compounds
  • Lewis dot structure of some common compounds of s and p block elements
  • Resonance
  • VSEPR theory and shapes of some simple molecules (BeF2, BF3, CH4, CH3Cl, PCl5, SF6, H2O,NH3,CO2,H2S, PH3)
  • Elementary idea of Valence Bond Theory
  • Hybridization involving s and p orbitals only
  • Bond characteristics:
  • Bond length
  • Ionic character
  • Dipole moment 
  •  Vander Waal’s force and molecular solids
  • Hydrogen bonding and its application
  • Metallic bonding and properties of metallic solids

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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