National Examination Board 2078
Shree Janapriya Secondary School Pokhara
Biology (Botany)
A Report on Pond Ecosystem in Katahariya
Prepared and submission as partial fulfillment for class 11
Date: 2078-04-11
Prepared By:
Name:Sujit Prasad Kushwaha
Roll No:15
I hereby declare that the work presented in this report has been done by myself, and has not been submitted elsewhere for the award of any degree. All sources of information have been specially acknowledged by references to the author.
Date: 2078-04-11
Sujit Prasad Kushwaha
This is to recommend that the Report entitled “Study on Pond Ecosystem in Katahariya” has been prepared or carried out by Mr. Sujit Prasad Kushwaha with his full alertness and my kin guidance for the partial fulfilment of annual examination class 11. This is his original work and has been carried out under my Supervision. To the best of my knowledge this report work has not been submitted for any degree in any institution. So, it is recommended his report to submit in the practical examination.
Supervisor name
Mrs. Prabina Karki
Name of HOD or Co-Ordinator, Science
Signature Signature
Supervisor Co-ordinator
Signature Signature
External Examiner Internal Examiner
This field Report “Study on Pond Ecosystem in Katahariya” has been prepared with kin guidance of botany teacher Mrs. Prabina Karki.
Thanks to my friends who helped me during field trip for this study.
Thanks also to School administration and Co-Ordinator Science Mr. Devi Bastakoti for providing Transport facility and financial support for conducting this study work.
The ecosystem is a basic unit in ecology, formed by the interaction of plants, animals and microorganisms forming biotic factors with their physical environment or the abiotic factors.
A pond ecosystem refers to the freshwater ecosystem where there are communities of organisms that are dependent on each other and with the prevailing water environment for their nutrients and survival. Usually, ponds are shallow (hardly 12 – 15 feet) water bodies in which sunlight can reach to its bottom, permitting the growth of the plants that grow there.
On the basis of water depth and types of vegetation and animals there may be three zones in a lake or pond. The different zones are as follows:
I. Littoral
II. Limnetic
III. pro-fundal
I. Littoral zone – It is the shallow water region which is usually occupied by rooted plants.
II. Limnetic-zone- ranges from the shallow to the depth of effective light penetration and associated organisms are small crustaceans, rotifers, insects, and their larvae and algae.
III. Pro-fundal zone- It is the deep-water parts where there is no effective light penetration. The associated organism are mussels, crab, worms etc.
The organisms inhabiting this freshwater ecosystem include algae, fungi, microorganisms, plants and fish. These organisms can be further classified as producers, consumers and decomposers, based on their mode of obtaining nutrition. The energy in an ecosystem flows from the producers to the consumers. Decomposers, on the other hand, get nutrients from the dead organisms by decomposing them.
The objectives of study of pond ecosystem are as follows:
-To understand that scientific knowledge is an ongoing process, and that they can make a contribution to that knowledge.
- To collect data from observations and use it to make reasonable conclusions.
- To create a model of a pond food web, demonstrating an understanding of the inter relationships of plants and animals in a pond.
- To understand that a pond is an ecosystem that provides food, water, shelter, and oxygen for a variety of plants and animals to live and reproduce.
- To understand that organisms have specific adaptations, characteristics that allow them to survive and reproduce, and describe specific examples of aquatic animal adaptations.
- To understand that a pond is an essential place for many animals during part or all of their life cycles.
- To understand that some animals (e.g. some species of dragonfly) migrate during their lives and therefore depend on more than one habitat.
-To create a field guide to the pond to share with school community.
Study area: For the study, I chose a pond which is situated in Katahariya municipality (Google map location:26.97026660907361, 85.24598571060824). I had heard that that this place is rich in biodiversity of aquatic plants and animals which were found to be true.
Method and Materials: We collected the information about the aquatic plants and animals in the pond by interviewing the people nearby the places. I took photos of the plants and animals and knew its name from the local person.
The materials used for the field visits were:
· Common Aquatic Animals sheet
· A clipboard or student notebook
· Pencils
· Snacks and/or water, if desired
· Camera or smartphone
When I arrived at the pond, I collected some aquatic plants and animals, observed them quietly and came to write the following things in my notebook.
Pond ecosystem consists of structural and functional components which are described below in details:
(1.) Structural Components
Abiotic components and biotic components are the structural components of pond ecosystem.
(A)Abiotic components or factors
They are non-living components. They include environmental factors, edaphic factor, and chemical factor.
· Environmental factors: This factor include light, temperature, water, etc.
· Edaphic factors: This factor include soil minerals, humus, soil water, soil texture, etc.
· Chemical factor: This factor include oxygen, carbon dioxide, nitrogen, nitrates, phosphates, carbonates, fats, nucleic acids, proteins, carbohydrates, etc.
(B)Biotic Components
TheThey are living components. They are described under the following topics:
The producers are the aquatic green plants, which may be divided into two groups.
· Microphytes (phytoplanktons): They are microscopic autotrophs, which fix solar energy. eg. Spirogyra, Zygnema, Volvox, Oedogonium.
· Macrophytes: They are large plants, which manufacture complex food. They are of following types
· Submerged plants: those, which are submerged in water, are submerged plants eg Hydrilla and Utricularia
· Floating plants: those, which float freely in water surface, are called floating plants eg. Pistia, Nymphea and Azolla Immerged plants: those, which are rooted but emergent, are called immerged plants eg Ranunculus, Sagittaria and Typha
The consumers are those heterotrophic organisms, which consume producers as food. They are also following types
· Primary consumers: These herbivorous animals depend upon autotrophic organisms such as microscopic plant eaters or zooplanktons, Mollusks, Beetles, Cyclops, and Daphnia etc.
· Secondary consumers: These are primary carnivores, which depend upon herbivorous animals for food eg. Insects, fishes, frogs, crab etc.
· Tertiary consumers: These are second grade of carnivores. They feed upon plants or animals (secondary consumer) therefore are called omnivores. for eg. Large fishes and frogs.
· Top consumers: These are third grade of carnivores, which feed upon primary, secondary, and tertiary consumers eg. Water snake, water birds etc.
These include heterotrophic microorganisms such as bacteria fungi, which break down the organic complex food from dead producers and consumers into simple inorganic compounds made available to the producers.
(2) Functional Components
They include food chain, food web and productivity.
(A)Food Chain
The process of transfer of energy or food from one trophic level to another trophic level by the process of eating and being eaten in simple form or in single direction is called food chain.
(B)Food Web
The process of transfer of energy or food from one trophic level to another trophic level by the process of eating and being eaten in complex network like form or in multiple direction is called food web.
(C)Ecological Pyramid
The graphical representation of ecological parameters like number, biomass or energy at different trophic levels is called ecological pyramid. Pond ecosystem consists of below listed ecological pyramids:
(i)Pyramid of number
The graphical representation of the number of organisms in different trophic levels of organisms in an ecosystem is called pyramid of number. It is erect or upright in pond ecosystem.
(ii)Pyramid of biomass
The graphical representation of the biomass of organisms in different trophic levels of producers and consumers in an ecosystem is called pyramid of biomass. It is inverted in pond ecosystem.
(iii)Pyramid of energy
The graphical representation of the energy of organisms in different trophic levels of producers and consumers in an ecosystem is called pyramid of energy. It is upright in pond ecosystem.
I would recommend the concerned authority, local bodies, and villagers to take proper action against the improper use of the resources. It is very crucial to manage the food sources for the living organism living in the pond ecosystem. The youth of that community can run various programs highlighting the importance of protecting the ecosystem
Class 11 asmita publication,,,,, etc