

  • State the relation between object distance, image distance and focal length of curved mirrors 
  •  State the relation between object size and image size
  • Know the difference between the real and virtual image in geometrical optics
  • Calculate the focal length of curved mirrors and its applications 
  • Wave motion
  • Define and understand progressive wave
  • Write progressive wave in mathematical form
  • Discuss the condition under which stationary waves can be formed
  • Write stationary wave in mathematical form
  • Calculate frequency, amplitude, velocity, time period, etc of progressive wave
  • Find expression for stationary wave using two progressive waves
  • Refraction at plane surfaces
  • Recall the laws of refraction
  • Understand the meaning of lateral shift
  • Understand the meaning of refractive index of a medium
  • Calculate refractive index of a medium using angle of incidence and angle of refraction
  • Learn the relation between the refractive indices
  • Know the meaning of total internal reflection and the condition for it
  • Understand critical angle and learn the applications of total internal reflection
  • Explain the working principle of optical fibe
  • Understand minimum deviation condition 
  • Discuss relation between angle of prism, angle of minimum deviation and refractive index
  • Use above relations to find the values of refractive index of the prism 16.4 Understand deviation in small angle prism and learn its importance in real life
  • State properties of Spherical lenses
  • State the relation between object distance, image distance and focal length of a convex lens
  • Define visual angle and angular magnification 
  • Derive Lens maker’s formula and use it to find focal length
  • Understand pure spectrum
  • Learn the meaning of dispersive power
  • Discuss chromatic and spherical aberration
  • Discuss achromatism in lens and its applications
Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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