Poem on "Adjective"

An adjective, a word so fine

It helps to make our language shine

It describes a noun, with great detail

Adding depth, and making the story more real


An adjective can be big or small

It can describe a size or it can describe it all

It can be soft or rough, light or dark

It can even describe a feeling or a mark


An adjective is a word so grand

It helps us understand

The world around us, in a more specific way

It helps us to express, in a more vibrant way


So let's all be thankful, for the adjective kind

For without them, our language would be hard to find

A way to describe, the world we see

A world full of beauty, with adjectives, so free


Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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