BSc Scientific Communication Syllabus - SC 101

                                                                 New Syllabus

Course Title: Scientific Communication                                                                  Full Marks:50

Course No: SC 101                                                                                                               Pass Marks:20

Nature of the course: Theory

A course on Scientific Communication has been designed for the first year students of 4 years B.Sc. program of the Institute of Science and Technology (IOST) TU. Students are supposed to improve their skill of communication in English language especially the writing. Delivery of the theme of texts will be done by the institute of science (or English, if necessary). Concerned faculty (teacher) will lecture and comprehend the theme of the articles prescribed in texts. A major emphasis will be given to improve the scientific vocabulary, the writing and oral presentation of the theme of selected essay in a practical group of exercise.

Aim and objective of the course:

At the end of the course the students must: -

·         Understand and be able to apply the kind of vocabulary that is prevalent in the field of Science and technology.

·         Understand the structure of oral presentation and be able to prepare on successfully.

·         Understand the structure of various types of written texts.

·         Be able to write an academic and/or scientific report in English language, to communicate or present the summary to specific audience and readership.

Course Contents:

Unit I: Selected Readings from the text "Learning English" (25 hours)

1.       Astronomy

2.       Information Technology

3.       Health and Medicine

4.       Environment

Unit II: Selected theme and essays from the text "Improve Your Writing"

1.       The sentence

2.       The Effect of Scientific Temperature on Man – Bertrand Russell (part of the section "The World of Science and Technology)

3.       The paragraph

4.       Gods in the Goldless Universe – Bertrand Russell

5.       Pollution and Superpollution – Gordon Rattey

6.       Science and Survival – Barry Commoner

7.       The composition

8.       Man and Nature – J. Bronwoski

9.       Man and His Environment – Robert Arvill

10.   The Cost of Solar Heat – H.A. Bethe (part of the section "Man and Nature")

Unit III: Writing (Ref: Technical Communication) 25 hours

Students must practice on: -

1.       Writing scientific articles for science magazines and daily newspapers

2.       Developing a scientific proposal

3.       Writing (essential components of) Research papers for journals

4.       Report writing

5.       Oral (e.g. PowerPoint) presentation in a group

6.       Citation of references


a.       Emphasis on comprehension and explanations, an improvement in vocabulary and developing writing skill as given at the end of each article, must be given.

b.       25 lecture together with practice hours are assigned for each unit.

Prescribed Texts:

1.       Learning English – A. Rama Krishna Rao, Orient Black Swan, Hyderabad, 2009

2.       Improve Your Writing – V.N. Arora and Lakshmi Chandra, Oxford University, New Delhi, 2011


1.       Technical Communication – Meenaskhi Roman and Sangeeta Sharma, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2012.

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

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