Experience of English Access Class

I have felt the difference between my school and Access class. We don't do anything interesting in school except reading and maintaining discipline. But in Access class, we do many activities such as working in a team or pair, play English language games, develop leadership, observe, and learn various cultures of Nepal and America. Not only that it has helped us in participating in different kinds of activities as well as community service programs such as animal feeding, cleaning campaign and others.

Not only in education, there are differences between school teachers and Access teachers as well. School teachers are very strict but Access teachers are very kind, friendly, helpful, and responsible. They also encourage and motivate all Access students. They never punish but rather they give us some positive suggestions and encourage us to be positive towards others. They love and care for us like parents. I have more friends in Access than in my school. They are very friendly and active. They share their knowledge and positive things with me. I love them very much.

Access has given me two years' time to prove myself. So, I promise that I will be a much better person when I graduate from Access. I would like to heartily thank the U.S Embassy, NELTA, and Access program for providing this wonderful opportunity.

In my opinion, they both are the best teachers in the world. Now, I am studying English news Paper and watching and listening English movies and songs from their motivation. They use simple and courageous words for motivation. We all are in the path of speaking English and hope that we will speak English like American in the days to come. Today, I have known about most of the places in America. I also have some knowledge about the political conditions of USA.

This all is because of the program held by American Embassy to provide knowledge about speaking and learning the English language. So, I would like to thank American Embassy for this fund. We will utilize this gift in a proper way, and I would also like to thank our both teachers who have been paying great role in teaching us in Access.

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

A Dedicated Blogger Sharing Insights and Making a Difference.

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