TU BSc Scientific Communication (Sc.101) Exam Questions 2075

 1. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below briefly: [10]

There is a considerable scientific disagreement about the medical hazards of the new pollutants; about the effects of DDT now found in human bodies, about the diseases due to smog, or about the long range effects of fallout. But the crucial point is that the disagreements exists, for they reveal that we have risked these hazards before we know what harm they might do. Unwittingly we have loaded the air with substances that interfere with the functioning of the blood. Because we wanted to build nuclear bombs and kill mosquitoes; we have burdened our bodies with strontium-90 and DDT, with consequences that no one can now predict. We are, in effect, conducting a high experiment ourselves. A generation hence-too late to help-public health statistics may reveal what hazards are associated with these pollutants. ('Science and Survival,' Barry commoner)

a) What are the three pollutants with which man has loaded the atmosphere?

b) Explain how human beings have risked their health in a critical stage.

c) State the consequences of new pollutants in human body.

d) 'We are conducting a high experiment on ourselves'- Explain the statement with suitable examples. [4]


a) Bertrand Russel states that human beings will be gods in the godless universe. Discuss how scientific power is superior to the divine power. [7.5]

b) Explain Aristotle's model of the universe and also show how it was different from Galileo's model. [7.5]


a) Match each of the words in the first group with the words in the second group to form compound nouns. [2.5]

Group I: death | natural | optical | cost | conventional |

Group II: manner | estimate | blow | fibered | phenomenon |

b) Put the following FIVE sentences in the right order, so that they read like a coherent paragraph:

i) The human body is perfectly suited for the ingestion of alcohols, and for its rapid utilization.

ii) Once incorporated into the body, it is to the liver that belongs the task of oxidizing the alcohol.

ii) It can be taken i by the lungs as an inhalant, and even by the rectum if given as an enema.

iv) Alcohol is absorbed not only from  the intestine, but directly from the stomach as well.

v) But even the sturdiest liver can handle only a drop or two at a time, and the remainder swirls ceaselessly about the bloodstream.

4. 'Communication is considered as the backbone of an organization'. Explain the statement in 100 words. [5]

5. Write a 5 paragraphs technical essay based on the following subtitles:

introduction/definition, Background/point of origin of argument, main arguments that include sufficient discussions either in support or against of the topic, conclusions/suggestions.

Mention your plan before you start writing the essay.

Water heritage and our Existence

OR, Science: Boon or Bane. [5+10=15]

Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

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