TU IOST BSc Entrance Model Questions with solutions

Group A (Chemistry)

1. Which of the following elements does not contain neutron?

a. H            b. He            c. Be            d. Li

2. The oxidation number of Nitrogen is -1 in 

a. 2            b. $NH_2OH$            c. $N_2$            d. $N_2O$

3. The number of unpaired electrons in oxygen is

a. 2            b. 3            c. 4            d. 6

4. The unit of radioactivity is

a. Fajan            b. Bohr            c. Curie            d. Debye

5. Which of the following compounds gives positive $AgNO_3$ test?

a. $CCl_4$            b. $CH_3Cl$            c. $CHCl_3$            d. $NaCl$

6. 'At same temperature and pressure equal volume of all gases has same number of molecules' this statement belongs to 

a. Boyle's law            b. Avogadro's law            c. Charles' law            d. graham's law

7. A gas diffuses 4 times as fast as $O_2$. The molecular weight of the gas is

a. 4.2            b. 8            c. 16            d. 2

8. In a solution containing 1 mole alcohol and 4 mole water, the mole fraction of alcohol is

a. $\frac{1}{4}$            b. $\frac{3}{4}$            c. $\frac{4}{5}$            d. $\frac{1}{5}$

9. The oxidation number of Mn in $MnO_2$ is

a. +2            b. +4            c. +6            d. +7

10. Vapour pressure at equilibrium of a liquid in a closed vessel depends only on 

a. Concentration            b. Temperature            c. Pressure            d. Volume

11. Which one is Eka silicon?

a. Sc            b. P            c. Ga            d. Ge

12. The compound used as refrigerant is

a. $CF_4$            b. $CCl_4$            c. $COCl_2$            d. $CCl_2F_2$

13. Ethylene reacts with alkaline $KMnO_4$(Bayer's reagent) to form

a. Oxalic acid            b. Acetic acid            c. Glycerol            d. Glycol

14. The crystalline form of carbon is 

a. Diamond            b. Graphene            c. Fullerene            d. All of the above

15. Froth floatation process is done for

a. Oxide ore            b. Sulphide ore            c. Carbonate ore            d. Nitrate ore

16. 4g $NaOH$ in 1 L solution is

a. 1N            b. 0.1N            c. 4N            d. 0.4N

17. The $p^H$ of a solution containing 3.65 g of HCl per litre is

a. 0.01            b. 0.1            c. 1.0            d. 10.0

18. The rate constant of a reaction depends upon

a. Temperature            b. Initial concentration            c. Time of the reaction            d. Extent of reaction

19. Which of the following metals is readily corroded in moist air?

a. Cu            b. Ag            c. Au            d. Fe

20. When a solid is converted into liquid, entropy will

a. Remain same            b. Become zero            c. Decrease            d. Increase

21. Lassaigne's test is not used to detect which one of the following elements in organic compounds?

a. S            b. N            c. Br            d. C

22. $CH_4$ is a/an

a. Alcohol            b. Ketone            c. Ether            d. Alkane

23. Ethyne on polymerization gives

a. Polythene            b. Benzene            c. Phenol            d. Ethane

24. Toluene on oxidation with alkaline $KMnO_4$ gives

a. Benzoic acid            b. Phenol            c. Benzaldehyde            d. Aniline

25. Which of the following is a Friedel Craft's catalyst

a. $AlCl$            b. $H_2SO_4$            c. $PCl_5$            d. $CH_3COCl$


Sujit Prasad Kushwaha

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